Ackee has been funded by the Ethereum Foundation to develop a starter project for iOS developers. I would like to introduce more details - what exactly is Ackee Ethereum iOS Dev Kit and what can Ethereum developers look forward to?
We will create a collection of Swift boilerplate intended to serve as a basis for starting new blockchain oriented iOS projects. We will use Ackee’s long time know-how in creating iOS apps based on reactive technologies and the MVVM architecture. We have been developing internally a MVVM Swift project skeleton that we used for an every new project - it saved us as a development agency huge amounts of time. And now we will open source this skeleton as the first part of Ethereum iOS Dev Kit.
The second part will consist of tools designed for seamless interaction with Ethereum smart contracts. Ackee Ethereum iOS Dev Kit will include a Swift script for generating a typesafe Swift API to individual Ethereum smart contracts, based on their ABI. A simple example app will be implemented, e.g. an app that can call 1 method of a simple smart contract and observe 1 event. We will use VaultIO