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How to Enable JSON Logs from AWS EKS Fargate Pods to CloudWatch

AWS recently introduced logging from the pods directly to CloudWatch; see user guide. The FluentBit setup could achieve that, but it's a bit tricky. For those who would expect a side container in the pod the way it's described at "How to capture application logs when using Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate", you might be surprised.

The user guide helped a lot, and after a setup of the namespace, I was almost done. The first thing which seemed to be a bit odd was the difference between the user guide and the blog post. Both described the output configuration of FluentBit differently. The guide has the following snippet:

    Name cloudwatch_logs  
    Match *  
    log_group_name fluent-bit-cloudwatch  
    log_stream_prefix from-fluent-bit-  
    auto_create_group true  

The problem is that the configuration didn't work until I changed the region to `us-east-1` instead of ``. I am not sure if that was the root cause, but it worked for me. I ended up with:

    Name cloudwatch_logs  
    Match *  
    region us-east-1  
    log_group_name my-beloved-project  
    log_stream_prefix app-  
    log_key log  
    auto_create_group On

If you were able to put the original configuration into work, please, let me know in the comments. I wasn't that lucky. The other thing I had to add was the parser configuration:

    Name docker  
    Format json  
    Time_Key time

Without the parser, I was not able to make JSON logs work. It was always displayed in the CloudWatch as `stdout`. At the end, I ended up with this config map:

apiVersion: v1  
  output.conf: |  
        Name cloudwatch_logs  
        Match *  
        region us-east-1  
        log_group_name my-beloved-project  
        log_stream_prefix app-  
        log_key log  
        auto_create_group On  
  parsers.conf: |-  
        Name docker  
        Format json  
        Time_Key time  
kind: ConfigMap  
  name: aws-logging  
  namespace: aws-observability

If you wouldn't like to do the setup on your own, use the published terraform module at https://registry.terraform.io/modules/AckeeCZ/fargate-logs/aws/latest

Martin Beránek
Martin Beránek
DevOps Team LeadMartin spent last few years working as an architect of the Cloud solutions. His main focus ever since he joined Ackee is implementing procedures to speed up the whole development process.

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